When Alex Rodriguez started the 2010 season he was 17 home runs away from 600. At the time i looked at the schedule and figured that he would have that many by the middle of June. We are now at the end of June and Alex has only 11 home runs. So it looks like i will need to reevaluate my original guess as to when he would hit it.
With the struggles of A-Rod this season his 600th homer will come later then expected. Following a post season where we saw Alex hit seven home runs, he is at 11 after 263 at bats this season. So when will this milestone come? Well if i was a betting man i would say that it would come following the all star break, in late July. My best guess would be the week of July 25th to July 31st when the Yanks are in Cleveland and Tampa, but that is only if he continues at his current pace of hitting homers.
If Alex was to get hot it could happen the week earlier at home (July 18-July24). But the other factor of why he may take even longer then the month of July, is because of what happened in 2007 when he hit his 500th homer. A-Rod hit career home run 499 on July,25,2007 it took him nine games in the mean time before he hit his 500th on August 4th. At the time A-Rod did admit that he was pressing a little and the flash bulbs that were going off were bothering him.
The saddest part is that when Rodriguez finally reaches the milestone, it won't have as much hype as when he hit his 500th in 2007. Since that time his reputation has been tarnished with the steroid admission. In 2007 Barry Bonds had just passed Hank Aaron for the all time home run king, and was assumed to have taken performance enhancing drugs (although it still hasn't been proven). Rodriguez was suppose to be the opposite of Bonds, a player that was clean and one day pass Bonds. If A-Rod hits number 600 on the road it will be interesting if the fans plan to cheer or boo. Either way Alex will become the youngest player to accomplish the feat and should be special either way.
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