Saturday, July 24, 2010

Why Tino !?!! Why !?!

While reading the NY Daily News yesterday, I came across this ad in the sports section.Yankee favorite Tino Martinez doing a corny ad for Bay Ridge Toyota. So my question is why Tino ? I don't think he needs the money, he got paid so much while in the majors and is currently paid by the Yankees to be a special assistant. Tino has worked for ESPN and the YES Network since he has retired from baseball. I was always a big Tino fan growing up and was upset in 2002 when they picked Giambi over him. But I'll admit that Tino in the booth is awful, his voice just doesn't sound right and he seems so nervous. Maybe they can try and get him to be in studio with Bob Lorenz, anything to prevent him from being in lame ad's like the one above.
(Sorry for the bad cell phone camera pictures)

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