The lines to enter the stadium were really long because it was cap night. Although it is a nice feature that the Yankees give out free hats, it is really lame that their is a huge sponsors logo on the back (I also only wear fitted hats). Outside of gate 4 there was still a memorial made by fans in memory of George Stienbrenner, very nice touch that it has not been taken down.

Phil Hughes was making the start for the Yanks and pitched well the first few innings before giving up a few long balls one to Macier Izturis which really annoyed me. The game itself was one that i rather forget, after Hughes left the Yanks bullpen was lit up for another six runs. It did not help that the Yankees scored two first innings runs off Sean O'Sullivan and then did not record another HIT until the 7th inning. The game itself was really slow, and seemed to have lasted for ever, possibly because I was already annoyed at the way the Yankees were playing.
A few times fans tried to start the wave, much to my disgust. I hate the wave and it should never be done at Yankee Stadium ! I know i go to the games because I want to see the Yankees and watch baseball, not to be distracted by a bunch of dopes doing the wave and watching it go around the stadium. When the game is a blow out aside from complaining about fans doing the wave I enjoy just watching what is going on in the stand, one thing I noticed was their was a large fight in section 202 of the bleacher.
The night had few bright spots and many negatives, here are a few things that bothered me.
- Derek Jeter no longer comes up to Biggie Smalls as his walk up song,maybe this is why he is hitting .269.
- Juan Miranda was the DH and can't hit.
- Curtis Granderson has really struggled at the plate, and it has gone under the radar.
- Jonathan Albaladejo takes so long between pitches and can't throw strikes
- When Hideki Matsui was introduced in the starting line up, many cheered for him including myself. When Matsui came up for his first at bat I still cheered for him. What annoyed me was when he hit a home run to make the game a blow out that fans stood and cheered for him then. I was not about to cheer then no matter how much I liked Matsui, he just hit a home run against the team I'm rooting for.
As always i stayed until the last out of the game,it was easy to exit the stadium since many had left earlier in the game. In the end it was a game that I would love to forget. Next trip to Yankee Stadium will be August 2nd against the Blue Jays, I will be sitting field level for my birthday.
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